Here is a little description of the zine, in Frances' words:
"Events. Rants. Reviews. Poetry. Short stories. Illustrations. Photography. The Pillbox a monthly Oamaru based arts and creative culture zine."
Carmen from *INK is another lovely someone who has donated us a bunch of her zines for Zinefest. *INK is Dunedin's weekly gig guide which features art and cool stuff from local artists, so make sure you come and check it out also. We will have a selection from the zine's 12 year history, so it will be an interesting read!
And a bit about *INK, in Carmen's words:
"*INK is Dunedin's weekly Entertainment Guide/Zine. *INK is is that thing you see hanging out of people's back pockets. Jam packed full of love and creative peeps. ♥"
And Kylee who teaches at Auckland Girl's Grammar School will also be bringing a selection of zines made by girls in her class, which will be on display in the Zine Library as well.
And a tiny bit from Kylee:
"The zines they are creating are looking at Social Media. The grrls have picked different aspects of Social Media and are researching and creating over the next two weeks. There is also a potential teacher's zine that I could bring along!"
So exciting! Can't wait to read all of the new zines that will be out in time for Zinefest.
Don't forget that if you have any zines you wish to donate to the Zine Library, please get in touch! Alternately you can donate them on the day too.
And, just a teaser, but if you are thinking about entering your zine in the "Zine of the Fest" competition, here is a photo of the glass trophy Tes has finished making:

Yes that is a dinosaur wearing glasses and sneakers reading a zine. Bad-ass!
Speak soon. Timetable to be uploaded shortly!
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